Negotiable Certificate of Deposit
Low risk, low interest
A negotiable certificate of deposit is a savings instrument issued by a bank. Investors consider a negotiable certificate of deposit a low-risk, lowinterest security.
How it works
Get income from investing
These Bills are issued on a discount basis, currently with initial maturities of 91, 182 and 365 days. This means that income from investing in Treasury Bills, at the primary issue, is the difference between the offer (or purchase) price and the nominal (also called face or maturity) value. The Bank of Namibia acts as an agent for the Government.
What's hot

Tax free
Interest earned is tax free in the name of an individual.

Traded on discount
Instruments are traded on a discounted basis.

Flexible investment period
Investments can be made for any period up to 365 days.

Grow your interest
Interest is payable on maturity.

Obtain bills
Investments are dependent on availability of bills.

Negotiate rates
Rates are negotiated on application.